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Invite strategies

An Invite Strategy determines what happens when a user is invited to a document who is not a member of your database.

An invite strategy can be set with the unknownInviteStrategy setting. See below for the different options.

import CollabServer from '@pdftron/collab-server'
const server = new CollabServer({
unknownInviteStrategy: CollabServer.UnknownInviteStrategies.CREATE

Create user#


The CREATE invite strategy will add unknown invited users to your Users table as an anonymous user.



The IGNORE invite strategy will ignore any invites to users that are no in your database.

Custom invite strategy#

You can pass a function to the unknownInviteStrategy to handle the unknown invite on your own.

The function will be passed the invited users email.

customUnknownInviteStrategy(email: string): Promise<string | null>

If you return null from your custom function, no further action will be taken (an invite will not be sent to the user by the server). If you return a userID, then an invite will be sent to that user as normal.


Sending your own custom invite email.

import CollabServer from '@pdftron/collab-server'
const server = new CollabServer({
unknownInviteStrategy: async (email) => {
await sendInviteEmail(email)
// Returning null makes the server do no further actions
return null;

Creating a user and sending an invite

import CollabServer from '@pdftron/collab-server'
const server = new CollabServer({
unknownInviteStrategy: async (email) => {
const user = await createNewUserFromEmail(email);
// Returning a userId will make the collab server send an invite as usual